dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2020


  • Appearance - Aspecte.
  • Bang - Cop .
  • Beat - Ritme.
  • Bitter - Amarg/a.
  • Colourful - De colors vius.
  • Favour - Sabor.
  • Gorgeous - Preciós/osa.
  • Pattern - Patró, Dibuix.
  • Rotten - Podrit.
  • Rough - Aspre.
  • Scent - Perfum, Aroma.
  • Scratch - Esgarrapar, Gratar.
  • Shape -Forma, Figura.
  • Shiny - Brillant.
  • Smooth - Llis/a , Suau. 
  • Soft - Suau.
  • Stare - Mirar fixament.
  • Stink - Fer pudor.
  • Tickle - Fer pessigolles a..
  • Whisper - Xiuxiuejar . 
  • Yell - Cridar. 

     B - MEMORY
  • Accurately - Fidelment.
  • Aloud - En veu alta.
  • Boost - Estimular.
  • By heart - De memòria.
  • Conscious - Conscient.
  • Daydream - Somiar despert.
  • Disoder - Malaltia.
  • Inability - Incapacitat.
  • Likely - Probable.
  • Loss - Pèrdua.
  • Make an effort - Fer un esport.
  • Positive - Positiu.
  • Poweful - Poderós/osa.
  • Recall - Recordar.
  • Recognise - Reconèixer.
  • Remind - Recordar a algú.


  • Anxiety - Preocupació.
  • Common - Comú/una.
  • Cope with - Fer front a...
  • Face  - Enfrontar-se a...
  • Fear - Por.
  • Get over - Superar.
  • Heights - Altures.
  • Helpess - Incapacitat.
  • Pound - Bategar.
  • Struggle - Lluitar.
  • Suffer - Aguantar.
  • Sweat - Suar.
  • Terrifying - Aterridor/a.
  • Trapped - Atrapat/ada.
  • Treatment - Tractament.
  • Upset - Disgustar.
  • Weird - Rar/a

divendres, 27 de març del 2020



1. What is the title of the film?

·Last Summer.
2. Who is the director?

·William Bindley.
3. Who is the screenwriter?

·Scott Bindley.


4. Where does the action take place?

·At the couple's home, the beach, the conference center, the park, and a few more places in town.
5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)

·The action develops in the present. 

6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)

· The film genre is love and comedy.

7. Who are the main characters?

KJ Apa - Griffin

Maia Mitchell - Phoeobe

Jacob Latimore - Alec

Halston Sage - Erin

Tyler Posey - Santos

Gage Golightly - Paige

Sosie Bacon - Audrey
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background):

· Phoeobe: She's called Maia Mitchell and in the movie she's the Pheobe. She is 26 years old. She is Australian.
She has short hair, brown eyes and is tall, in relation to the movie her boyfriend is Griffin.

·Griffin: He is called KJ Apa and in the movie he is the Griffin. She is 22 years old. It's New Zealand.
He is red-haired, eyes wide and tall, in relation to the movie his girlfriend is Phoeobe.
She is also known for starring in the Riverdale series.

Write 4 words from the film and...
9. Write a definition in English:

·Give up: When you are tired of trying something.

·Walk away: Leave distance from something or person.

·Gross: When something respects to see, touch, eat

· I get it: When you make sense of things.
10. Translate them into Catalan:

·Give up - renunciar.

·Walk away - allunyar-se.

·Gross - mania.

·I get it - trobar el sentit.

11. Write one sentence with each word:

·Give up: It is very easy to give up and more if you say so.

· Walk away: Ok! I better walk away.

· Gross: Gross! I don't get in here.

· I get it: Now it's not a puzzle anymore, I get it.



 The Last Summer - ¿Está The Last Summer en Netflix? - FlixList




diumenge, 12 de gener del 2020


The Tower of Pisa is the campanille of the cathedral of the Italien city's of the cathedral of the Tower of Pisa, known worldwide for its nearly four-degree.                                                           
It's a third-oldest structure in the cathedral square (Piazza del Duamo).                    

The Tower of Pisa was built in 1740. It's a dessing incredibily. Surrended is inclined by a wall.
And it has 8 levels.                                                                                                                              
It's made of rocks and it was difficult to build.                                                                                   
Its 20'396389 m, it is also six metres high and it weighs 14'700 tonnes and there are 294 steps.

In my opinion, the views are very sastifacting, is exhausting to climb up because there are a lot of steps.
If you prefer, you can take the guide but it's more expensive, because the tiket costs 25 for person, but children don't pay.
Totally recommendable.